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Download our whitepaper: Transforming transactions into seamless customer experiences

Barclaycard’s latest whitepaper uses new research and expert opinion to show why payments are crucial for delivering a seamless customer experience. To find out how we can support your business, complete our call back form today.

Digital technologies and the rise of mobile commerce have reshaped customer expectations, creating new demands and opportunities for corporate businesses. Customer experience is where businesses will win or lose in the digital age.

Payment interactions are the most frequent point of customer experience, giving companies significant opportunities to shape customer perceptions, capture valuable data and build loyalty. Yet business leaders often overlook the central role that payments play in delivering a great customer experience.

In this whitepaper we use new research and expert opinion to investigate the impact that payment technology can have on the customer experience, and how payment providers are building end-to-end systems that combine new and emerging technologies to achieve the ultimate omnichannel experience.

New research

  • Our research also reveals new insights* into the way businesses approach customer experience, including:
  • Only a quarter of businesses have a member of the c-suite responsible for customer experience.

  • 1 in 5 of all businesses have no-one responsible for customer experience.

  • 49% of businesses believe that payment innovation has a direct impact on their customers' experience.

  • More than half of UK organisations don't currently have an omnichannel payment strategy.


The whitepaper includes expert opinions on customer experience and payment technology from Barclaycard’s leadership team.

David Gebhardt

David Gebhardt

Managing Director of Payment Products

Steve Lappin

Steve Lappin

Managing Director for Corporate Payments

Anita Liu Harvey

Anita Liu Harvey

Director of Strategy

  • *Barclaycard commissioned YouGov to run an online survey on payments and the customer experience. The total sample size was 627 adults with fieldwork undertaken between April 1st-3rd 2019. The sample size was weighted and is representative of British business size.

Transforming transactions into seamless customer experiences

No business can afford to ignore customer experience. That's why our latest whitepaper explores the developments in payments that are revolutionising CX - and how businesses can provide winning customer experiences in the digital age. Download your copy today or give our payment experts a call. 

To find out how we can support your business, complete our call back form today.