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Supporting your needs

Supporting your needs

Making content and support more accessible

Breaking down the barriers

We believe that everyone should have the same opportunities to launch and grow their business – whatever their situation may be.

This page includes some ways to help you with that, from choosing your preferred communication format, making our website work for you to managing your business’ finances. And should you ever need to reach us, we’ve noted down how you can get in touch.

Making contact work for you

We can arrange for communications to be sent to you in large print, Braille and audio format by calling us on the contact numbers below.

Making our website work for you

Switching settings for a better view

Switching settings for a better view

You can change your settings to make it easier to view our site. AbilityNet have a wealth of guides on this and even filter recommended ones based on the device you’re using.

Using our site with a screen reader

Using our site with a screen reader

So everyone can use our site, each page has been tested for its text browsing capability. If you use different software and are having problems, please get in touch and we’ll try to resolve it for you.

Watching Flash footage on our website

Watching Flash footage on our website

To get the most out of our site, you’ll need to have JavaScript turned on and Adobe Flash Player installed. If you don’t, you’ll only be able to see a default version of the page and you might not be able to enjoy the full experience.

Clicking on external links and buttons

Clicking on external links and buttons

If you’re clicking on a link or button that will take you to either an external site or a PDF, it’ll open in a new window. Be sure to check the tabs at the top of your browser if that hasn’t happened.

Managing your business’ finances

Our app and online servicing

Our app and online servicing

If you have a Barclaycard business card, you can manage your finances whatever time or place with our app or online servicing.

  • Check your spend and available credit
  • Download and save monthly statements
  • View your PIN and freeze your card
  • Set up Direct Debits, add or remove cardholders and set their spend limits in online servicing
  • Authenticate online transactions in the app
Merchant account tools

Merchant account tools

With a Smartpay Touch or Smartpay Anywhere card reader, you can see your sales reports, stock levels and much more when you log into the online portal for your device.

Or, if you’ve got Barclays Online Banking, you can use it to view your merchant account, from seeing transactions, to accessing and downloading monthly statements. Simply click ‘log in’ at the top of the Barclays home page.

Support in difficult times

Support in difficult times

Sometimes your situation might need specialist support or you’d rather get independent advice – and we completely understand.

If that happens, you can refer to this handy list of resources and key contacts.

We’re here to help

Next Generation Text

It’s important to us that everyone can access and understand our communications. If you have hearing and/or speech difficulties, you can use Next Generation Text. It’s a textphone that lets us talk to each other without any barriers. Simply call 1 8001 0800 161 5276.

Getting in touch

Should you ever need us, we’re always on the other end of the line. Here are the numbers you can call, depending on your query.

Business card account holders
Call 0800 008 008, Monday to Friday, 8am – 6pm.

Accepting payments account holders
Call 0800 161 5343, Monday to Friday, 8am – 6pm.