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Chip and signature using Anywhere

Take a Chip and signature payment with Barclaycard Anywhere

Chip and signature payment means your customers sign for their purchase instead of entering a PIN.

The login screen of the Barclaycard Anywhere app.

1. Log in

Log in to the app using your username (email) and password.

The New Sale screen of the Barclaycard Anywhere app

2. New Sale screen

Once you’ve logged in, the app automatically displays the New Sale screen. If you’ve just processed a sale, the app automatically returns to the New Sale screen.

To open the New Sale screen from elsewhere in the app, open the left hand menu – by tapping the three horizontal lines in the top left of the screen – and select New Sale.

Inputting sale information into the New Sale screen of the Barclaycard Anywhere app.

3. Enter information

Enter the amount of the sale and, if you want to, a description of the sale. Then press the Checkout button in the top right hand corner of the screen.

If you add a description, it will be shown on your customer’s email receipt and in your online transaction history.

The Anywhere card reader in ready mode.

4. Check the app

Your card reader should wake up when you press Checkout, but don’t worry if it doesn’t – just press the blue power button once.

The Anywhere card reader asks the customer to present, or insert or swipe, a card.

5. Give the card reader to your customer

The app will normally display the amount and the instruction ‘Present card’. Sometimes it will display ‘Insert or swipe card’.

Ask your customer to insert their payment card into the slot on the bottom end of the card reader.

The Anywhere app presents a signature screen

6. Ask your customer to sign the app screen

Your mobile device will display a blank space where the customer will need to sign using their finger.
Please ensure the customer does not accept the signature on your behalf.

Check the signature

7. Check the signature

Check the signature against the one on the back of the customer’s card. If they match, press the Done button in the top right of the screen.

The Anywhere app approved screen

8. Approval

Once the transaction is approved, the app will display a large green Approved banner across the top of the screen. Below that will be two buttons – ‘Send Receipt’ and ‘Close’.

The Anywhere app receipt screen

9. Issue a receipt

If your customer would like a receipt, hit the ‘Send receipt’ button. The app will prompt you to enter the customer’s email address. Hit ‘Send’.

And that’s it, you’re done. Your app will now return to the New Sale screen so you can process your next transaction.