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Making payments - US Dollar (USD)

US Dollar (USD)

SWIFT payment details

Note: A fee may be charged by your bank for making these payments. This information should only be used for USD accounts. If you have a card denominated in any other currency other than USD please contact your Relationship Manager for the appropriate payment details.

To make a SWIFT payment from a USD account, go to your local bank and quote the following details:

  • Beneficiary Name: Barclaycard Commercial
  • Sort Code: 20-32-53
  • Account Number: 86615299
  • IBAN: GB06 BARC 2032 5386 6152 99
  • Reference: Input your 16-digit USD account reference number (without any spaces)

When you are inputting the payment details, your 16-digit account number needs to be in the reference field that will be visible to the beneficiary. It needs to be one continuous number so please ensure you do not include any spaces/characters that you may see on your monthly statement. Failure to do so may result in us being unable to apply the payment to your account.

Barclays Currency Accounts Direct Debit form

To arrange for payments to be made directly from your Barclays multi-national bank account, please complete the Multi-national Direct Debit Mandate

Fill in your details online, print, sign and return to your Relationship Manager who will process the instruction on your behalf.