I ordered genuine goods and have received counterfeit goods or a letter from Customs and Excise
If your goods have been seized at Customs and you have received a letter confirming this, we can use this letter as supporting documentation to claim the amount back from the company.
If you received goods that you believe are fake, we can help you to claim the money back if we have evidence of this.
Some brands provide online assistance to confirm goods are counterfeit. For example, Ugg allow you to check if the company you purchased from is genuine. We can use this as supporting evidence to assist in securing your refund. Please either call our Disputes Team on 0800 008 008* or email GCPDisputes@barclaycard.co.uk**.
We will require a few things from you to enable us to review your dispute:
- A full written summary of your dispute including confirmation of how you have attempted to resolve with the company and details of any response given
- A confirmation or invoice of what was ordered Proof of what was received (including confirmation from ‘an expert in the field’ or customs that the item was fake)
- Confirmation of the current location of the goods
- The date you received the goods or Customs and Excise letter
* Our opening hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. View call charges.
** Please include your surname and the last 12 digits of your card number in the email subject line. For security, please do not use the full 16 digit card number.