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Get to know your POS portal

Get to know your all-in-one POS portal

How to configure your POS solution

Smartpay Touch help and support

Managing your portal and more

From configuring elements of your portal to carrying out admin-related tasks, use these quick links to jump to the help topic you need.

How to find your way around the dashboard
How to configure the portal
How to access reports
How to manage stock
How to use the CRM
How to manage and add users

Smart tip try training mode

Smart tip – use portal assistant

Jump to a section or task in your portal quicker – just click on the wand in the top-right corner to pull up the portal assistant.

How to set up and configure your POS portal

How to find your way around the dashboard

1. Menu tabs
2. Merchant trading name
3. Select the store and date range to be shown on the dashboard
4. Portal assistant
5. Summary sales data
6. Summary of transactions by tender type
7. Illustrative view of sales performance

How to configure the portal

Under the Config tab, you can manage a range of key settings for your business, including:

• the management of staff
• tax rates
• other profile settings

Take a look

How to use the POS portal to manage your business


How to access reports

Under the Reports tab, you can access a range of reports and charts on your business performance such as:

• transaction by tender types
• gross sales

Find out more

How to manage stock

Manage all your stock under the Stock tab, both at an individual product level and in groups, plus:

• add suppliers and link them to products you sell
• transfer stock between stores / locations
• bulk import inventory via a single upload 

Show me how

How to use the CRM

Under the CRM tab, you’ll find options to manage your customers details, appointment and message settings, as well as:

• tools to group customers if required
• customisable data fields to collect information

Explore more

How to manage and add users

Under the Admin tab, you can manage who has access to the portal and assign Administrator or User roles to manage what they can do.

Tell me more

Talk to our technical support team

If you do have any problems, our dedicated technical support team are here to help. Get in touch on 0800 151 0399, Monday to Friday, from 9am – 5pm.

Calls made outside these hours will be answered by our general support team who will do their best to help you with your query.