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How to manage stock

How to manage stock in your all-in-one POS portal

How to manage stock in your all-in-one POS portal

Smartpay Touch portal help and support

Managing stock and inventory

Under the Stock tab, you’ll be able to manage all your stock, both at an individual product level and in groups. Use these quick links to jump to the help topic you need.

Smart tip – use portal assistant

Smart tip – use portal assistant

Jump to a section or task in your portal quicker – just click on the wand in the top-right corner to pull up the portal assistant.

The tools under the Stock tab

  1. Departments lets you create and manage departments to put yours products in
  2. Products gives you the option to add and amend individual products at SKU level
  3. Product and Print Groups allows you to group multiple products under one group for use in setting up your secondary printers
  4. Suppliers lets you add and link suppliers to products you sell
  5. Transfers lets you move stock between stores/locations
The tools under the Stock tab


  • Creating new departments

    To access departments

    Head to the menu and click ‘Stock’ > ‘Departments’.

    To create a new Department

    Click ‘New Department’ and enter all the required information. Once you’re done, click ‘Save’ or ‘Save & Add Another’.

    You can edit the department information by clicking the pencil icon – or delete a department by tapping the bin icon.


  • Adding new products to your catalogue

    Products can be added manually or by using the ‘Import’ and ‘Export’ function.

    1. Head to the menu and click ‘Stock’ > ‘Products’.

    2. Press on ‘New Product’ and enter all the required information, plus:

        • SKU Number

        • barcode (optional)

        • department

        • product type

        • if product will be allowed for EBT payment

        • price (excluding tax)

        • tax levels

        • the base commission (optional)

        • add a product image (optional)

        • choose item modifiers (if required) and decide if the modifier will automatically launch or not

    3. Tap ‘Save’ or ‘Save & Add Another’

  • Importing products

    1. Head to the menu and click ‘Stock’ > ‘Products’

    2. Click on ‘Import Product Records’ > ‘Import Product Records’

    3. Select the price list from the drop down menu that you want to apply the changes to

    4. Click ‘Press to Select’ or ‘Drop File’

    5. Choose the .csv or XLSX file and click ‘Open’ > ‘Import Products’

  • Exporting products

    Import your product inventory in bulk via a single upload.

    You can download a new blank template for uploading products for the first time or to create a new price list. Alternatively, export an existing product list to edit and upload it back in to the portal.

    Exporting a blank product template – create, edit or delete products in bulk

    1. Choose ‘Stock’ from the menu and select ‘Products’

    2. Click on the ‘Download Template’ button and select ‘Download Product Template’

    3. Tap ‘Download XLXS file’. This will download the template to your computer

    Exporting the current product list

    1. Choose ‘Stock’ from the menu and select ‘Products’

    2. Click on ‘Export Records’ > ‘Export Records’

    3. Pick the price list from the drop down menu and choose from pre- or post-tax (see the difference below)

    4. Click ‘Export’ and then ‘Download XLSX File’

    The difference between pre- and post-tax

    • Sales price includes tax – the exported product price will include tax and the ‘Inclusive of Tax field’ will be marked as ‘Yes’

    • Sales price excludes tax – the exported product price will exclude tax and the ‘Inclusive of Tax’ field will be marked as ‘No’

Stock quantities

  • Adjusting stock levels

    The Stock Adjustments function lets you change product quantities. This information will automatically update on your device.

    There are two types of adjustments:

    • an ‘Absolute Adjustment’ where you change the stock levels and set it to a specific total

    • an ‘Increment/Decrement adjustment’ where you increase or decrease the stock total

    The ‘Increment/Decrement’ method can be used at any time during the day, whereas the ‘Absolute Adjustment’ shouldn’t be used while any registers are in use.

    Manually adjusting the stock levels

    Here’s how to quickly change the stock level of a single product…

    1. Choose ‘Stock’ from the menu and select ‘Products’

    2. Enter the product name in the search box and press search (or find in the list)

    3. Click the adjustments icon and select where you wish to make the adjustment by clicking on the pencil icon

    4. Enter the adjustment as either ‘absolute’, ‘increment’ or ‘decrement’ and select an adjustment reason from the drop down

    5. Click ‘Adjust’


  • Adding, editing and deleting suppliers

    Manage details for each supplier you set up and view all products provided by a specific supplier in one table.

    Your portal also has an import and export features that’ll help make adding, editing and deleting suppliers from your system that bit easier.

    1. Go to the menu and click on ‘Stock’ > ‘Suppliers’

    2. Click ‘New Supplier’ and enter all the required information

    3. Hit ‘Save’ or ‘Save & Add Another’

    Tip: To edit a supplier click the pencil icon or the bin icon to delete it.


  • Transferring stock from stores

    Transfer stock from one store to another and keep track of the date and times stock containers are dispatched and received as well as any notes added.

    There are two ways you can transfer of stock from one store to another:

    • the first method is to create a stock transfer container, which can include an unlimited number of products

    • the second method lets you transfer an item directly from the product list. This way, it allows products to be added to an already existing ‘Open’ container or let you create a completely new container

    Creating a transfer from the Transfer Menu

    1. Click ‘Stock’ > ‘Transfers’

    2. Click ‘New Stock Transfer’ and change the ‘Transfer Identifier’ if needed

    3. Select ‘Transfer From Store’ from the drop down list and select ‘Transfer To Store’

    4. Add notes if needed and click ‘Save’

    Creating a transfer from the products list

    1. Click ‘Stock’ > ‘Products’

    2. Carry out a search for a product or select from the list

    3. Click on the transfer icon (two arrows facing away from each other)

    4. Select the ‘Transfer From Store’ from the drop down list and then ‘Select to Transfer To Store’

    5. Enter the quantity to transfer

    6. Add notes if needed and tap ‘Save’

  • Adding products in the container

    Managing products in an existing container can only be carried out if the ‘Transfer Container’ is on ‘Open’ status.

    Adding products to an open container

    1. Locate the transfer in the list and click on ‘Stock Transfer Details’

    2. Click on ‘Add Products’

    3. Search for the product and select it from the drop down list

    4. Enter the transfer quantity and add any notes as required

    5. Click ‘Add’. The product will now be added to the selected open container

    To add another product at this point, repeat the process above by selecting the product and quantity.

    Once you’ve finished adding the required products, click on ‘Done’. The portal will close the dialog and take you back to the stock transfers page.

    Tip: To delete or amend products in an open container, select the delete or edit icons against the product you wish to change.

  • Dispatching the container

    Dispatching or changing the container to ‘In Transit’ will reduce the stock from the sending store and prevent any changes being made to either stock items or their quantities. To do this:

    1. Locate the transfer in the list and click on the edit icon

    2. Select ‘In Transit’ from the ‘Transfer Status’ drop down menu

    3. Click ‘Save’

  • Receiving the container

    1. Click ‘Stock’ from the menu

    2. Select ‘Transfer’

    Things to keep in mind

    When the transfer container arrives at the receiving store, the transfer should be set to a status of ‘Received’. This will show that the container has been received but not affect any stock levels.

    There are two methods to receiving the stock from a transfer container:

    • receive the stock directly after changing the transfer status to ‘Received’

    • resuming a received container after saving and closing the transfer before (marking the transfer as completed)

    In both instances, the following rules apply:

    • after changing the status or resuming the received transfer, the portal will display the list of products in the container and their quantities

    • you can scroll through the list and mark the quantities as ‘Accepted’, ‘Rejected’ or ‘Lost’ by clicking into the required cell and entering the value

    • pressing either ‘Enter’ or ‘Tab’ will move between the cells

    • clicking on ‘Save’ at any point will save your changes but will remain on the container product page

    • clicking on ‘Close’ at any point will return you to the main stock transfers page

    • while the transfer container is still in ‘Received’ status, you can return to the container at any time and continue to adjust the receiving quantities as needed

  • Receiving the container by changing the transfer status

    1. Locate the transfer in the list and click on the pencil icon

    2. Select ‘Received’ from the ‘Transfer Status’ drop down menu

    3. Click on ‘Next’

  • Completing transfers

    1. Click ‘Stock’ from the menu and select ‘Transfers’

    2. Locate the transfer in the list and click on the ‘Stock Transfer Details’

    3. Click on ‘Complete’ and select ‘Yes’

    Stock transfer status types

    Open: when you’ve created a ‘Stock Transfer Container’, the status will be set to ‘Open’. At this point, products can be added or deleted, and quantities are adjustable. While in this status, no stock will be reduced from the sending store.

    Cancelled: the transfer is cancelled but the stock items will remain in the container. The transfer can be changed back to ‘Open’ and will be resumed from that point.

    In Transit: at this point, no changes can be made to either the products in the container or their quantities. The stock from the dispatching store will be reduced. The stock in the receiving store will be annotated with the quantities but won’t count towards its total stock quantity. This is used in the stock report to show that a certain store is expecting stock from a transfer. It will be marked in brackets as (+150).

    Lost: if the transfer container is marked as ‘Lost’ the stock levels in the receiving store won’t increase and the annotation (+150) will be removed from the stock report. To write the stock off as permanently lost, change the status to ‘Received’ but mark the receiving amounts as ‘Lost’.

    Received: when the container arrives at the receiving store, marking the transfer as ‘Received’ won’t immediately increase the stock levels. This gives the receiving store time to inspect the stock before finally accepting the transfer as completed.

    Complete: marking the stock transfer as ‘Complete’ will close off the transfer and the stock levels of the receiving store will be incremented at this point. No changes can then be made to the transfer, except to add notes.

Talk to our technical support team

If you do have any problems, our dedicated technical support team are here to help. Get in touch on 0800 151 0399, Monday to Friday, from 9am – 5pm.

Calls made outside these hours will be answered by our general support team who will do their best to help you with your query.