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How to use your CRM

How to use your Customer Relationship Manager (CRM)

How to use your Customer Relationship Manager (CRM)

Smartpay Touch portal help and support

Managing customer appointments

Under the CRM tab, you’ll find options to manage your customers’ details, appointment and message settings. Use these quick links to jump to the help topic you need.

Smart tip – use portal assistant

Smart tip – use portal assistant

Jump to a section or task in your portal quicker – just click on the wand in the top-right corner to pull up the portal assistant.

The tools under the CRM tab

  1. Appointments lets you view appointments in your stores and sort by store/staff/type
  2. Customers gives you options to add/amend customer records and set up appointments
  3. Customer Fields allows you to customise which data fields you collect for customer information
  4. Customer Groups lets you put customers into groups (if required)
  5. Message Settings has tools to configure notification settings for appointments or action-related messages
The tools under the CRM tab


  • Creating an appointment

    Create, modify or delete customer appointments against your store, staff members or resources. Appointments created both on your portal and the client will automatically sync and can be viewed in real time.

    1. Click ‘CRM’ from the menu and select ‘Customers’

    2. Search for the customer and click the calendar icon next to their name

    3. Click ‘New Appointment’ and enter the date and start time

    4. Enter the duration, store, staff member or resource and appointment Type from the drop down

    5. Add notes if required and click ‘Save’

    Tip: You can edit an appointment by tapping the pencil icon or to delete it using the bin icon.

Customer records

  • Creating a customer record

    Create or edit the customer’s details onto the portal for use in appointments or to add to transactions.

    Your portal also has an import and export features that lets you quickly add, edit or delete your customer profiles if you have a large list to manage.

    1. Click ‘CRM’ from the menu and select ‘Customers’

    2. Click on ‘New Customer’ and fill in all required fields including any operational fields

    3. Tap ‘Save’ or ‘Save & Add Another’ if required

    Tip: You can edit a customer record by tapping the pencil icon or to delete it using the bin icon.

Customer fields

  • Creating customer data fields

    1. Click ‘CRM’ from the menu and select ‘Customers’

    2. Click ‘New Customer Field’ and fill in the name of the field

    3. Select ‘Format’ from the drop down or ‘Lists’

    4. Choose if you want to add fields that are mandatory or be added to the receipt

    5. Click ‘Save’ or ‘Save & Add Another’

    Tip: You can edit a customer field by tapping the pencil icon or to delete it using the bin icon.

  • Setting the customer field order

    Sorting customer fields let you put them in order based on your needs. You can do this by dragging and dropping the entries into the required order. Simply left click on the line and while holding the mouse button down, move the line to the required position and then release the button. The order will be automatically saved.

Customer groups

  • Creating a customer group

    Creating a customer group

    Send texts to a large part of your customer base. Your portal will automatically assign three groups to the account, namely Gold, Silver and Bronze. These can be renamed or deleted.

    1. Click ‘CRM’ from the menu and select ‘Customers Group’

    2. Click on ‘New Customer Group’ and give the group a name and description

    3. Tap ‘Save’ or ‘Save & Add Another’

    Tip: You can edit a customer group by tapping the pencil icon or to delete it using the bin icon.

Text message settings

  • Ways you can send customers messages

    Using Manual Text Messaging

    There are two areas where you can manually send messages:

    • from the ‘Customers Area’ to send to an individual customer

    • from ‘Customer Groups’ where you can send messages in bulk or to an individual customer

    Individual messages from the customer area

    1. Click ‘CRM’ from the menu and select ‘Customers’

    2. Search for the customer

    3. Click on the send message icon (speech box) and enter the message

    4. Press ‘Send’

    Group Message from the Customer Groups Area

    1. Click ‘CRM’ from the menu and select ‘Customer Groups’

    2. Select the group for the message

    3. Click on the send message icon (speech box) and enter the message

    4. Press ‘Send’

  • Things you need to know about texting

    • Send a text message to your customer, either confirming a new appointment, a change, or the cancellation of the appointment. These options can be activated or deactivated as needed, and are sent within five minutes of the action

    • By default, when you’ve activated text messaging services, all settings are set to ‘No’ and need to be individually switched on and set to your requirements

    • You’re limited to 160 characters per message

    • If the customer has opted not to receive text messages or there’s no valid telephone number in the customer’s profile, then no message will be sent

    • Make sure you have the customer’s permission to contact them so that you remain compliant with GDPR legislation. Customer settings can be amended in their profile including the option to opt out of marketing or other messages

    Note: Messaging is not enabled by default for all Smartpay Touch users and needs to be requested via the support team. Once enabled there will be default number of messages allocated each month but this can be increased by calling the support team.

  • Accessing appointment settings

    1. Click ‘CRM’ from the menu and select ‘Message Settings’ > ‘Appointment’

    2. Double-check ‘Send Appointment Confirmation’ is set to ‘YES’

    3. Write your message and click ‘Save’

  • Setting appointment reminder notifications

    The ‘Send Appointment Reminder’ will send the first reminder to the customer at the specified time.

    The first and second reminder can be configured to send:

    • 1 hour before

    • 2 hours before

    • 1 day before

    • 1 week before

    To send appointment cancellations, set the ‘Send Appointment Cancellations’ to ‘Yes’ and compose the message.

    Then click ‘Save’.

  • Sending on-action texts

    This lets you send a text message to your customer when a customer or business action is triggered.

    1. Click ‘CRM’ from the menu and select ‘Message Settings’ > ‘On-Action’

    2. Click on ‘New On-Action Message’ and give the action a name

    3. Complete all other fields as required and click ‘Save’ or ‘Save & Add Another’

    Tip: You can edit a an action by tapping the pencil icon or to delete it using the bin icon. Or, disable it by tapping the ‘X’ button.

Talk to our technical support team

If you do have any problems, our dedicated technical support team are here to help. Get in touch on 0800 151 0399, Monday to Friday, from 9am – 5pm.

Calls made outside these hours will be answered by our general support team who will do their best to help you with your query.