Barclaycard online servicing A-Z

The A-Z of Barclaycard online servicing
From paying your bill to setting up alerts to suit you, Barclaycard online servicing gives you everything you need to manage your account.
Activate your card
Start using your card in no time. Just log in or register and you can activate it in a few simple steps
Additional cardholder
Share the simplicity and security of a Barclaycard when you add a family member to your account
Manage your account the way you want with a range of useful alerts by text or email
Balance Transfer
This is when you move money you owe from one credit card to another. Log in to find out if you’ve got a 0% interest offer (fee applies) waiting for you
Change your address
Update your address if you've moved home
Change your credit limit
Want more or less credit? Apply and we’ll try and give you an instant decision.
Change your e-mail address
If you've changed your email address you can update it online
Change your payment date
Change the payment due date on your account to one that's more convenient for you
Change your telephone number
If you've changed your telephone number you can update it online
Chat securely
Log in and message us anytime using ‘Chat’ for any account related queries. It's secure and easy to use and we'll let you know how long it will take for us to respond. If you're still logged in when we reply, we'll let you know on the screen so you can check your response straight away. If you've logged out, you'll already know how long we'll take to reply - so you can log back in later and check your response.
Check your balance
Log in to check your current balance so you know exactly how much you have to play with
Direct Debit
Set up a Direct Debit and rest easy knowing you’ll always make your payment deadline, as long as you’ve got enough balance to cover it
Pay your bill
Pay your bill the way you want. At home or on the go, from a Direct Debit to one-off payments. Just choose the right one for you
Query a transaction
Not sure about a transaction on your account? View your transaction and query it online
Replacement card
Snapped your card by accident? Chip worn away? Order a new one online and we’ll get it to you within five working days
Review payments
Be in the know by being able to check what and who you’ve paid, wherever you are, and whenever you like
View statement
View and download up to seven years of statements.
View your PIN
For a reminder of your PIN you don't need to wait for the post - you can view it instantly online