
Support with reducing credit card debt and managing your money


What is ‘persistent debt’?

Persistent debt means you’ve been paying more in interest, fees, and charges on your Barclaycard than towards paying back what you’ve borrowed over an 18-month period. This can happen if you’ve been making minimum or low monthly payments.

It’s an expensive way to borrow as it takes longer to pay back what you owe and costs more in interest and charges.

We follow rules set by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to make sure people in persistent debt get the help they need. As part of this, we’ll get in touch to offer support with reducing your balance quicker.

What you can expect to receive and when

You’ll get an email or letter from us to let you know when you’re in persistent debt. Here’s a timeline of when we’ll contact you.

If at any time you’re worried about your finances, there are ways we can help, please get in touch.

If you’ve been making low or minimum payments, we may contact you to let you know you’re close to persistent debt. We’ll show you how increasing your payments could help you avoid it.

If you’ve been in persistent debt for 18 months, we’ll get in touch to recommend you pay more if you can. We’ll suggest a monthly payment amount or we will increase your minimum monthly payment to help you reduce your balance quicker.

We’ll send a reminder 9 months later to update you on your progress towards getting out of persistent debt. We’ll let you know if you need to change your monthly payments to stay on track.

If you’re still in persistent debt after 36 months, we’ll offer you more support.

This could be a Paydown Plan, which helps you clear your balance sooner and reduce the interest you pay. We may also suspend your card, so your balance doesn’t increase.

Repayment Calculator

Our Repayment Calculator+ lets you see the difference it makes to increase your payments. You can increase your monthly payment or make extra payments at any time – so whenever you’re able to pay more, you can.

Try different amounts in our calculator to work out what’s right for you.

Tools to help you stay on top of your money

From creating a budget to tracking your spending, here are some ways we can help.

Let our tools do the hard work

Use our budget planner to calculate your regular monthly commitments and work out how much disposable income you’ll have left for repayments on your Barclaycard.

Money Mentors

Visit Money Mentors and try our interactive money workouts and bite-sized budgeting guides.

Track your spending

Keep an eye on your balance in our app*. You can see how much you’re spending – and compare this across weeks and months.

Budgeting tips

Explore all of our money management guides . These include tips on budgeting, spending, borrowing and debt.


Money worries

If you’re worried about managing your money when costs are going up and feel you need support, see how we can help with money worries .

How to increase your payment

Please make sure you can afford any increase before changing your payment.

Our app

In our app, you can make extra payments and set up or change a Direct Debit. Just tap ‘Your cards’ on the home page.

Call us

Call us on 0800 151 0900^. We’re here Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm, and on Saturdays from 9am to 5pm.

If you’re worried about your repayments and need support get in touch.


Here’s some examples stories of persistent debt, while the names and stories are made up and photos are of actors, these show you how you could begin to reduce your balance.

Hello, my name’s Cindy. I was paying the minimum amount every month, but didn’t realise that my balance wasn’t going down very fast. I got a letter saying I needed to pay more, or extra when I can.

I had a look at the repayment calculator and tapped in a few amounts to see what would happen if I paid more. The results were really surprising, and I could afford to pay more so I changed my Direct Debt to a higher amount in the app.

I started to use the app more often and could see my balance going down much faster than before.

I then got another letter 9 months later that said I was on track. It felt great.

I stuck to the higher payment amount, and before long I was free of persistent debt.

Hi, I’m Rav. I use my credit card to pay for bills, groceries and anything that pops up day-to-day. When I read the email about being in persistent debt, I was embarrassed. I knew my spending had gone up and aware that I needed to pay more.

I worked out a budget, cut back on some things and tried to pay more. I made some progress, but just couldn't pay extra every month and needed support.

I got in touch and was offered a paydown plan. It really helped to speak to someone. The plan made things easier by paying a set amount based on what I could comfortably afford. When I could see my balance going down, my confidence started to grow again.

The plan’s working. I’m in a much better place and positive about reducing how much I owe.

Helpful questions and answers

We’ll get in touch if you’ve been making minimum or low monthly payments on your Barclaycard. This means you’ve been paying more in interest, fees and charges than towards paying back what you’ve borrowed, and it’ll take a long time to pay off your balance. This is called persistent debt. It’s an expensive way to borrow money and we want to work together to help you get out of persistent debt.

We’ll contact you to let you know you’re in persistent debt. We might also explain we’re increasing your minimum monthly payment or provide a personalised amount, so you know how much to pay.

If we haven't given you a recommended payment amount, you’ll need to increase your payments to pay at least double the amount of interest, fees and charges each month. This will mean that you’ll be reducing more of your balance. You’ll find the amount of interest, fees and charges under ‘Your activity’ on the first page of your monthly statement. Don’t forget to check this each month as the amount will change.

No, you don’t, but you need to pay off more of your balance than you pay towards interest, fees and charges.

Yes, you can make extra payments at any time, if you can afford to. By paying more, you’ll clear your balance quicker and pay less in interest. To see the difference an increase could make, check out our Repayment Calculator .

Making low or minimum payments over time can affect your credit score, which helps other lenders decide whether to lend you money. So paying more each month can help with that.

Yes, as long as your account’s open, you can carry on using it. If you spend more on your card, it’s important to make sure you can still afford your payments, as your minimum payment will increase.

If you’re still in persistent debt after 36 months, we might suspend your Barclaycard, which means you wouldn’t be able to spend on it. We do this to help you avoid adding more to your balance, and we’d let you know before we did this. We’d look at ways to support you, which will include an option to take out a Paydown Plan to repay your balance within four years.

We understand that it’s not always easy to increase your payments and we don’t want you to pay more than you can afford. However, if you can’t increase your payments, you’ll remain in persistent debt. It’s important that you continue to pay at least the minimum payment each month.

We’ll continue to review how you’re doing. If you stay in persistent debt, this may lead to your Barclaycard being suspended and you wouldn’t be able to spend on it. We do this to help you avoid adding more to your balance, but we’d let you know before we did this. We’d look at ways to support you, which will include an option to take out a Paydown Plan to repay your balance within four years.

If your account is closed, you won’t be able to use the card. If you’re still in persistent debt after 36 months, we’ll get in touch to discuss the next steps for your account.

You’ve told me you’re increasing my minimum monthly payment

By increasing your minimum monthly payment, you’ll pay off more of your balance. This means you’ll pay less interest overall, pay off your balance sooner, and get out of persistent debt. Your minimum payment should go down as you reduce your balance. You’ll find the minimum amount you need to pay each month on your statement. If you spend more on your card, this amount will increase.

We set your minimum payment at a level to give you flexibility over how much you pay each month. But we recommend that you always aim to pay more when you can to reduce the amount you pay in interest and pay off your balance quicker. Credit cards are designed for short-term borrowing – it’s best not to keep debt on credit cards for a long time.

We understand it’s not always easy to increase your payments and we don’t want you to pay more than you can afford. If you feel you can’t make this change, let us know by following the steps in your email or letter and we’ll keep your minimum payment the same. If you’d like to talk to us about your payments, please call us on 0800 151 0900.^ We’re here Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, and on Saturdays from 9am to 5pm.

If you can’t increase your payments, you’ll remain in persistent debt – so it’s important to try and pay more whenever you can.

We’ll review how you’re doing. If you stay in persistent debt, this may lead to your Barclaycard being suspended and you wouldn’t be able to spend on it. We do this to help you avoid adding more to your balance, but we’d let you know before we did this. We’d look at ways to support you, which will include an option to take out a Paydown Plan to repay your balance within four years.

I’ve received a personalised payment amount

We’ve worked out how much you need to pay each month to help you pay more off your balance and get out of persistent debt. This personalised amount is calculated to make sure you pay at least double what you pay in interest, fees and charges. This will mean that you’ll be reducing more of your balance. You may need to pay more if you haven’t been able to afford your personalised amount some months or if you spend more on your card.

Your minimum payment is set at a level to give you the flexibility to pay lower amounts for a short time, but we always recommend that you aim to pay more when you can. We’ve worked out this personalised amount which will help you get out of persistent debt.

You’ll need to increase your payments to pay at least double what you pay in interest, fees and charges each month. This will mean that you’ll be reducing more of your balance and will help you get out of persistent debt, pay less in interest and potentially take years off the time it takes to pay back what you’ve borrowed.

You’ll find the amount of interest, fees and charges under ‘Your activity’ on the first page of your monthly statement. Don’t forget to check each month as the amount will change.

I haven’t been given a new payment amount

You’ll need to increase your payments to pay at least double what you pay in interest, fees and charges each month. This will mean that you’ll be reducing more of your balance. This will help you get out of persistent debt, pay less in interest and potentially take years off the time it takes to pay back what you’ve borrowed.

You’ll find the amount of interest, fees and charges under ‘Your activity’ on the first page of your monthly statement. Don’t forget to check each month as the amount will change.

Your minimum payment is set at a level to give you the flexibility to pay lower amounts for a short time, but we always recommend that you aim to pay more when you can. If you make low payments for a long time, you’ll pay more in interest, and it’ll take longer to pay off your balance.

Things you need to know about a Paydown Plan

A Paydown Plan helps you clear your balance sooner and reduce the amount of interest you pay. We’ll lower your current interest rate and work with you to find a fixed monthly payment that’s affordable and suitable for your circumstances.

You can pay off your plan earlier if it’s right for you, or work with us to revise your plan if it becomes unaffordable.

We’re here to help with persistent debt

If you’re worried about increasing your monthly payments, or you’d like to talk to us about your finances, please get in touch – there are ways we can help.

Message us

Call or message us through our app by selecting ‘Help’, then either ‘Call us’ or ‘Send us a message’.

Call us

Call us on 0800 151 0900 ^. We’re here Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm, and on Saturdays from 9am to 5pm. 

Visit us

If you’d like to speak to us in person, you can visit your nearest branch.

Where to find free, independent advice

If you’re ever struggling financially or would like some impartial and confidential advice, you can get in touch with organisations below, who might be able to support you. They can help you prioritise your debts and work out budgets, which is an essential starting point to help tackle debt problems.


Visit online

National Debtline

If you live in England, Scotland or Wales, call 0808 808 4000 or visit online

StepChange Debt Charity

Call them free on 0800 138 1111 or visit online

Citizens Advice

Visit your local Citizens Advice or go to

Need emotional support?

Samaritans – call them free at any time on 116 123 or email

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Send us a message

You can send us a message from the ‘Help’ section of our app or online servicing. 

You don’t have to wait for our reply. Just log back in when you’re ready to see if we've replied.

Accessibility and wellbeing

Find out how to manage your card if you have a condition that affects your sight, hearing or mobility, or if you have difficulty with words and numbers. We can also provide support if you’re worried about a change in circumstances.

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Check your balance and recent transactions, pay your bill and much more - our app is safe, secure and free to download.

Important Information

+The results you’ll get are a guide calculated on approximate minimum spend rates, which vary by product. We assume no additional spend on the card, no fees are incurred and the same static interest rate is paid on all balances.

*You need to be 18 or over to access this product or service using the app. T&Cs apply.

 ^All Barclaycard customer service lines are non-premium rate numbers. Calls to 0800 and 0808 numbers are free from UK landlines and personal mobiles, otherwise call charges may apply. Please check with your service provider. Calls may be monitored or recorded in order to maintain high levels of security and quality of service.