Help For Students With Credit Card Debt

Nathan's story
He was already working a part time job, but Nathan still couldn’t pay his card bill and the extra shifts he’d picked up made him miss some important lectures.
With exams on the horizon, Nathan wanted to pull back his shifts and focus on his final term. But he knew that if he did that, he'd get further behind with his repayments.
Knowing he had to do something, Nathan decided to call Barclaycard and find a way to get through his exams without worrying too much about money. He knew things were getting out of hand because:
- his portion of the rent was overdue and his housemates were angry
- he’d borrowed money from a friend and couldn’t pay it back
- he was up to his credit limit and incurring late payment fees
How Barclaycard helped
When he rang us, Nathan got through to one of our support team, Sandra.
- Sandra gave Nathan time to explain things in his own words and wasn't judgemental or demanding, as Nathan had feared
- Together they created a plan to get through his last term, making payments Nathan could afford for now and putting a longer term plan in place so he could catch up when he was out of university and in employment
- Sandra explained what information she needed for this, as well as how it would affect Nathan's credit score and what could be done to help
- She checked that Nathan knew he could access his Barclaycard account online or via the Barclaycard app to make debit card payments, change payment due dates and, when he could afford to, set up a Direct Debit
- She also advised that there is free help and advice available and that he should also check out the government website for information and services available to him. We’ve included links to organisations that offer independent help and advice in the ‘Other ways to get help’ section below
Having talked to Sandra and put a plan in place, Nathan felt like a weight had been lifted. With his debt being paid in manageable amounts, the letters stopped and now he could focus on getting good grades and setting up a job to go to after university.
Does your story sound like Nathan's?
Leaving university can be a daunting prospect at the best of times, so the last thing you want is to start out with financial troubles. And with coursework and exams on your mind, worrying about money can be a distraction you don’t need.
But it doesn’t have to be that way…
You're not alone - we're here to help
We know your debts aren't going to disappear on their own, but we really can help. If you get in touch, we'll ask you about your income and outgoings so you can feel confident you're only repaying what you can really afford. And your priority payments – Council Tax, rent/mortgage repayments and household bills – will always come first.
It's probably the last thing you want to do, but giving us a call won’t make anything worse. We won't spring any surprises on you; our advisers are here to listen, understand and agree a solution with you – not demand payments you can’t afford.
You can rest assured, we’ll ask your permission before we do anything and check how you feel about your other finances.
We'll try to provide you with help that’s clear, practical and easy to understand. Also, we'll advise you where to find free and independent help.
Get in touch to find out how we can help
Talk to us on the phone
As soon as you think you might be facing financial difficulties, give us a call. It could make things much easier.
Before you pick up the phone, it’s a good idea to jot down some notes about your income and spending. And set some time aside – we’ll want to understand your situation in detail, so you might be talking for a while.
Worried you’ll miss a payment?
Call us on 0800 056 1411.
Missed a payment and want to catch up?
If you’ve missed a payment on your Barclaycard, you might be able to pay it using the Barclaycard app.
Alternatively, call us on 0800 161 5205.
Both lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 9pm, Saturday and Sunday 9am to 9pm.
Calls to 0800 numbers are free from UK landlines. Mobile charges may vary. Find out more about call charges.
You can also:
Use the Barclaycard app
Send us a message from the 'Help' section of the Barclaycard app. It's secure and You don’t have to wait for our reply, just log back in when you’re ready to see if we've replied.
You need to be 18 or over to use the app. T&Cs apply.
Other ways you can get help
If you're struggling with a few different debts or money worries in general, there are organisations that may be able to help:

StepChange is the UK's largest provider of genuinely free independent debt advice and managed solutions, helping almost 600,000 people a year resolve problems, repay debts and rebuild lives.

The National Debtline offers free independent support for advice on how to deal with your debts, including live online webchat with a National Debtline advisor.
Looking for advice on student finances?
Save the Student provides free impartial advice to students on how to make your money go further.
Are you receiving all your benefits?
Find out if you're getting all the money you could be entitled to.
Visit entitledto and use their free benefits calculator to understand if financial support is available.
Feel like there's no-one to turn to?
You can talk to The Samaritans anytime you like, in your own way, and off the record.
To protect the privacy of our customers, we have used photographs of actors and fictitious names, but they are based on real situations.
How close are you to a Debt Problem?
If you're worried that you need help with your finances then you can try StepChange Debt Charity's 60-second debt test. By answering a few simple questions they'll be able to tell you if you need debt advice.