Try our repayment calculator
Repayment Calculator
See how long it'll take to pay off your credit card and how much you could save on interest by increasing your monthly payments.
Whoops, check the card balance
Please enter a numerical value only.Whoops, check the card balance
Please enter a numerical value of £1 or higher.Whoops, check the card balance
This seems too high. Try a smaller balance.Whoops, check the payment amount
You don't need to pay more than the full balance.Whoops, check the payment amount
You must pay at least the minimum monthly payment (estimated to be £).Whoops, check the interest rate
Please enter a numerical value only.Whoops, check the interest rate
This seems too high. Check your latest statement for your compound interest rate.Whoops, check the monthly repayment
Please select one of the payment options.Balance
on card
To clear your balance you’d pay
The time it will take
Whoops, check the payment amount
Please enter a numerical value only.
Even though you've increased to pay the full amount, you'll still pay some interest
This is because your current payment wouldn't have fully repaid the balance last month. So you'll be charged interest for that, but paying this month in full means no interest next month.
Whoops, check the payment amount
You don't need to pay more than the full balance.
Whoops, check the payment amount
You must pay at least the minimum monthly payment (estimated to be £).
on card
To clear your balance you’d pay
The time it will take