
How to make a complaint
We always try to provide you with the best service possible. However, occasionally we may not live up to your expectations.
If you feel our service could have been better, we'd really like to know so we can make sure it doesn't happen again – either to you or to anyone else.
You can contact us by phone or by sending us a secure message through Barclaycard online servicing, whichever is most convenient.
Use the Barclaycard app to talk to us anytime
If you’ve got the app, message us in the ‘Contact us’ section – it’s secure, and our digital assistant is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you need more help, we can message you back between 7am and 11pm. We’ll send you a notification once we’ve replied, so there’s no need to wait.
Call us
You can call our team Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm, and on Saturdays from 9am to 5pm. Call charge information.
Or write to us
PO Box 10200
LE18 9ER
Using a claims management company (CMC)
At Barclaycard, we handle complaints in exactly the same way, within exactly the same timeframes, whether they're made by a customer or by a claims management company (CMC).
You can use a CMC to make a complaint, but they may charge you an up-front fee or take a proportion of any payment you may be due. Claims management companies charge an average of 27.5% +VAT of any redress you may receive related to your complaint – the actual amount charged depends on the CMC being used.
What we need from you
To help us resolve your complaint as quickly as possible, please can you include the following information:
What will we do?
Once we receive your complaint, we'll try to resolve it as quickly as we can and with minimum inconvenience to you. The first step is for us to be really clear on what the problem is, and to identify with you what we can do to put it right.
How long will it take?
Sometimes we won’t be able to solve your complaint right away, so it will be referred to our Customer Relations department. If we haven’t resolved the matter within four working days of receiving it, we’ll send you an acknowledgement letter on the fifth working day which will provide you with a unique case reference number and details of how to get in touch.
When dealing with your complaint it’s important to us that we keep you informed at every step so you know exactly what we’re doing to resolve the problem. Once we’re satisfied that we’ve considered all aspects of your complaint, we’ll send you our final response.
If your complaint is about payment services
When handling complaints about ‘payment services’ – as defined by the Payment Services Regulations 2017 – we have to send you a final response within 15 working days, unless there are exceptional circumstances that stop us from resolving your complaint. If that’s the case, we’ll send you a final response within 35 days of receiving it. If we can’t do that, we’ll continue to update you on our progress and you’re entitled to raise a complaint with the Financial Ombudsman Service.
If your complaint is not about payment services
If your complaint isn’t related to payment services, we’ll write to you within four weeks with an update. We’ll also aim to resolve the complaint within eight weeks. If we don’t then we’ll send you a written update and you’re entitled to raise a complaint with the Financial Ombudsman Service.
Financial Ombudsman – there to help you
If we’re unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you can request a review from the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
What is the Financial Ombudsman?
The Financial Ombudsman Service is a free, independent body, set up by the Government, to resolve disputes between customers and companies in the UK.
If you’re not happy with how your claim’s been handled or it’s unsuccessful, you can take it up with the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
By law, regulated firms, such as credit card companies, must ‘treat customers fairly’, so when they don’t, the Financial Ombudsman Service has legal power to act on your behalf and can order companies to not only pay you compensation, but to reimburse you for your time, too.
If we’ve rejected your claim and you think we’ve dealt with it unfairly, you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service to make a complaint and get a second opinion. Even if they decide you don’t have a case, it’s a free service, so you won’t be out of pocket.
What personal information do you hold about me?
If you’d like to get a copy of the personal information we hold about you, you can ask us to send you a report by submitting a subject access request form online.