Credit card fees you could be charged

Credit card fees

If you’re thinking about getting a credit card, you need to know about the fees that you could be charged. Fees are what you'd pay in specific situations, for example, if you pay late, transfer a balance to your credit card, or use your card abroad.

Fees for late payments

There's a £12 late payment fee for each time:

  •  You make a late payment.
  •  You miss a payment.
  •  You pay less than your minimum amount.

Please note, we will charge you a late payment fee no more than four times in a year.

Managing your payments

It’s important to keep on track with your payments, because in some situations we could charge you a late payment fee.

If you miss or do not pay your minimum payment amount, you’ll be charged a fee of £12.

Please note, we will charge you a late payment fee no more than four times in a year.

What you can do to avoid account fees

Interest on default fees

Stay on top of your credit rating

Missing a payment won’t just result in a default fee. If you miss a payment or make a late payment you could lose any promotional rates you may have. It could also have an impact on your credit rating. This is because the way you manage your account can be reported to credit reference agencies. More about credit history.

Fees for balance transfers and offers

Your fee depends on your offer, which we’ll always confirm before you apply. This includes balance transfers, money transfers and other promotional offers. If a fee applies to a balance you transfer to your Barclaycard, it will be charged on the amount you’re transferring.

The fee is calculated as a percentage of the amount you’re transferring, and it will be added to your balance. You’ll pay interest on the balance transfer fee at the same rate as the rest of your balance transfer amount.

Fees for using your card abroad

If you buy something with your card while your abroad, you’ll pay one single, non-sterling purchase fee of 2.99% every time you use it. Should you withdraw foreign currency using your card, you will also be charged a cash transaction fee of 2.99% (minimum fee of £2.99).

Fees for duplicate copies of your statement