If you transfer a balance to your Barclaycard from another credit card or a store card, you’ll usually receive a promotional balance transfer rate. Balance transfers sometimes include a balance transfer fee. If your balance transfer includes this fee, we’ll tell you how much it is before you apply. Please refer to your terms and conditions for details.
When you make a payment to your account, we'll use the amount you pay to reduce any balances that you’re paying a higher interest rate on before reducing any lower interest rate balances. This means you'll usually pay off any cash transactions and purchases before you pay off your balance transfer. It can also help you pay less interest overall.
You can still get up to 56 days interest-free on anything new you buy after making a balance or money transfer. To get this, you need to pay off your statement balance by your payment due date every month (excluding any promotional balances). Don't forget to make at least your minimum payments on time, and to stay within your credit limit.
See our latest balance transfer offers.
If you already have a Barclaycard, you can apply for any balance transfer offers shown in the Barclaycard app or Barclays app
You can also see our latest balance transfer offers in Barclaycard online servicing.
See more information about balance transfers.