It can take a few minutes from us generating your code to it being received by your phone. Please check you have a strong phone signal and that the number we're sending it to is up to date. If you haven't received your code within 5 minutes you'll need to checkout again.
You can check and update your numbers using online servicing, our app or by calling us on 0333 200 9090. When you update your mobile phone number for security reasons it can take up to 7 working days before you'll be able to use it to confirm it's you, so it's important to update it as soon as you can.
If you're still have trouble receiving your code you may be able to confirm it's you using:
- a PINsentry device with your card and PIN.
- our app. It's the most convenient and easy way - just a few taps with no codes and you're done. You need to be 18 or over to use the app. T&Cs apply